Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

= Friend Request

Friend Requests Adi Surachman Soto Djiancuk and 44 other mutual friends Ada Ada Aja Sebelas Maret University Soto Djiancuk and 25 other mutual friends Ismiatul Mukarromah Siswa Prakerin at UTERO ADVERTISING Malang Lana Galeri and 24 other mutual friends Kampoeng Baron Yohanes Karyana and 14 other mutual friends Epi Hermavi LinDrä KaRsä PawiRä and 10 other mutual friends Jhon Mardan Tarempah, Riau, Indonesia Dina Andriane and 48 other mutual friends Kelompok Senirupa Works at Galerie NuEdge Fine Arts International, L.P., S.E.C. Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia Guruh Prima Aksara and 118 other mutual friends Rizal Kedthes Institut Seni Indonesia Jogjakarta (Indonesia Institute of the Arts Jogja) Yogyakarta Nyoman Gunarsa and 60 other mutual friends E Bambang Waskito Works at Pengajar Anton Papo and 30 other mutual friends Rib Art Crops DIRUT at ART ME Studio Buleleng, Bali, Indonesia Sonny Arendra Fardian and 26 other mutual friends Dhiiajhenk Jhogja Indonesia Institute of the Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta Melati Suryodarmo and 26 other mutual friends Buku Pintal Works at Publisher Yogyakarta Hasan Syaifudin and 140 other mutual friends Oumicghema Ofremania Setyowati Works at PT.Seni Lukis arek be Surabaya, Indonesia Recy Hooligart and 26 other mutual friends Aan Samual Arsitek Nurul huda Nangah Pinoh, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia Heri Caturprasetya and 266 other mutual friends Toni Nursalam KAWALI Yogyakarta Perupa Banyumas and Perupa Pintu Mati Surakarta are mutual friends. Chanifa Mashuda KETUA at Rumah haniv.inc Solo City Anggara Tua Sitompul and 45 other mutual friends Lis Sofy New Kuart Kuat and 132 other mutual friends Bursa Lukisan Malang Aria Maulana Santi and 102 other mutual friends

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