Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

= Friend Requests

Friend Requests Danar Bakti Works at Creative Art Work Bandung, Indonesia Galeri Canna and 42 other mutual friends Juendi Pradana SMA N.1 Kmp, Rakyat Rantauprapat, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia Prodi Seni Rupa Murni and 20 other mutual friends Fibreresin Glass FSRD ISI Yogyakarta Sleman Ubud Art and 25 other mutual friends Bayu Saputra UNIPA Surabaya, Indonesia Masdibyo Pelukis and 46 other mutual friends Tubagus Andre Institute of Teachers Training and Education Bandung (now:Indonesia University of Education) Andreas Widhagdo and 327 other mutual friends Dodi Rosadi Works at PT Mizan Pustaka Bandung Talenta Organizer and 333 other mutual friends Farida Kusuma Rochani Jakarta, Indonesia Woro Indah Lestari and 367 other mutual friends Sulebar M. Soekarman Jakarta, Indonesia Tya Lumban Gaol and 93 other mutual friends Noer Budi Setya UGD (Universitas Gawat Darurat) Yogyakarta Tya Lumban Gaol and 189 other mutual friends Titik Gendis Works at Sidharta Auctioneer Jakarta, Indonesia Pasar Seni Lukis Indonesia and 432 other mutual friends Hah Poenja Yogyakarta Kidung Laras Kinanthi and 129 other mutual friends Bienalanak Yogyakarta Public Relations Manager at Bienal Anak Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Era OcTavia and 175 other mutual friends Heru Shaggynduck BUruh SERabutan at Ladang Seni Yogyakarta Pasar Seni Lukis Indonesia and 20 other mutual friends Operasi Rachman Muchamad Lnstitut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta Hepni Pidiyanti and 190 other mutual friends Teguh Eswe Sekolah Seni Rupa Indonesia, Yogyakarta Jakarta, Indonesia Wanda Leopolda IV and 72 other mutual friends Tama Pertama Miranda Harlan Amirsyah and Sewonartspace Yogyakarta are mutual friends. Agung Prabowo Universitas Negeri Malang Gempol, Jawa Timur, Indonesia DaviencYthoeuryt Choice's Casey and 63 other mutual friends Ribut Sumiyono Lila Ayu Arini and 380 other mutual friends Nyi Songolikoer Bintang Works at Author Gigih Wiyono and 152 other mutual friends Nuri Mardiana Poetri Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia Pasar Seni Lukis Indonesia and 28 other mutual friends Pusat Alat Lukis Surabaya, Indonesia Green Art and 94 other mutual friends Cindy Ari Anggraeni Works at Visual arts Semarang, Indonesia Khrisna Maulana Putra and 68 other mutual friends Anni Kholilah ISI Padangpanjang Panyabungan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia Hepni Pidiyanti and 81 other mutual friends Tunggul Setiawan Works at Ministry Of Culture and Tourism, Republic of Indonesia Bekasi Agus Hamdani and 467 other mutual friends Arif Sapari IST Akprind Yogyakarta Norma Pepe and 28 other mutual friends A Juniarto Dn Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Purnomo Kediri and 37 other mutual friends Annas Kurnia SMK Negeri 1 Geneng Jogjakarta, Indonesia Green Art and 31 other mutual friends Mamat Lukisan Surabaya, Indonesia Sarah Kuswinarningtias and 4 other mutual friends Fathoerrochman Jacobs Artist at Repair & Rental Painting-Art Shop Masdibyo Pelukis and 73 other mutual friends Summy Bundarizal Recy Hooligart and 18 other mutual friends Chachapuna En Thayank Abie Universitas wijaya putra Bandung, Indonesia Kuart Kuat and 48 other mutual friends Iswandi Benjol Cikampek, Jawa Barat, Indonesia Surya Adi and 8 other mutual friends Andre Moedanton Lecturer at Trisakti University, Jakarta Jakarta, Indonesia Nyoman Sujana Kenyem and 41 other mutual friends Libran Dani Santi Saned and 27 other mutual friends Catung Isme Manager at Rupublic Samin Management Woro Indah Lestari and 85 other mutual friends Eman Kreatif Universitas Muslim Indonesia (UMI) Makassar Makassar Deudeuh Art and 58 other mutual friends PinKy Brandal Outsider's Works at UKM SAMIN Universitas Malang Malang Komunitas Seniman Indonesia and 28 other mutual friends Buana Printing DKI Jakarta Tya Lumban Gaol and 8 other mutual friends Rudi Winarso Irama Visual and 130 other mutual friends Jreng Craft Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Green Art and 100 other mutual friends Toto Gambar Adi Ame Didi and 6 other mutual friends Putra Gede Hanya SD aja Phthalo Art Galeri Full and 11 other mutual friends Ida K Efendy UNPAD BANDUNG Bogor, Indonesia Ambrosius Edi Priyanto and 34 other mutual friends Andi Setiono Mangoenprasodjo Works at The Heritage Society Guangzhou Shi, Guangdong, China Nyoman Gunarsa and 76 other mutual friends Slamet Pelukis Pelukis at Artist/Painter Yogyakarta Jesica Salsabila and 34 other mutual friends Jarot Suryanto Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Yogyakarta Bantul Nasional Musium and 91 other mutual friends Akhmad Ramadhan Creative Director at Simbiosa Communication Malang Yos Salakafrah Namanya and 55 other mutual friends Cantrik Bogasampir Gumelaring jagad Jurong West, Singapore Aria Maulana Santi and 32 other mutual friends Dwi Hermawan Duwex SMSR Jogjakarta, Indonesia Rumah Seni Kemarin Sore and 30 other mutual friends Komang Edy Sastrawan ISI Denpasar | Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia Woro Indah Lestari and 156 other mutual friends Didit Suhadi IKIP Negeri Malang Malang Maruto Septriono and 20 other mutual friends Putra Indrawan Works at Home Alone, Art Studio Denpasar Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia Hepni Pidiyanti and 148 other mutual friends Buldanul Khuri Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta Sunardian Wirodono II and 36 other mutual friends Miftahul Munir Hepni Pidiyanti and 100 other mutual friends Antonia Stephanie Owner at Pako Sekolah Kartun Malang Fadjar Sutardi and 399 other mutual friends Toq Way Works at TOQway Inc. Bandung, Indonesia Lala Coe and 45 other mutual friends Neng Listya Owner at Blogspot Kuart Kuat and 77 other mutual friends Situr Kuswantoro Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Sutikno Tiko Hamzah and 16 other mutual friends Roni Awan Guru Seni Rupa SMAN 1 KARANGREJ0 dan SMA PGRI KALANGBRET at Instansi Tulungagung Djunaidi Kenyut and 8 other mutual friends Maniez Madu Iis NuiStiq is a mutual friend. Anggik Suyatno Kontrator at Art Gallery Surabaya, Indonesia Andi Ananta Pelukis and 47 other mutual friends Zoro Kisworo University of real nature Talenta Organizer and 432 other mutual friends Kiki Reni Citraeni Works at SMK N 1 GABUSWETAN Room Sdr and 4 other mutual friends Ling Ami Lisdianto Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Alat Lukis and 148 other mutual friends Lisa Sidyawati Sagabiru Galeri and 93 other mutual friends Kaya Budaya Totok Sudarto and 166 other mutual friends Pak Dhe Indonesian institute of art Yogyakarta Totok Sudarto and 180 other mutual friends Halim HaDe Widodo Djiancuk and 318 other mutual friends Sanggartalenta Talenta Universitas Kehidupan Yogyakarta Boeyan Jogja and 63 other mutual friends Beranda Edos Universitas Pasundan Bandung Galeri Kita and 106 other mutual friends Gunadi Uwuh FKIP Seni Rupa UST Djokja, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Bulan Berpedang and 138 other mutual friends Widi Surya Sagabiru Galeri and 110 other mutual friends Agus Wahyudi Yogyakarta Woro Indah Lestari and 116 other mutual friends Didik Bareto Moscow, Russia Aaishah Latif and 196 other mutual friends Artomorrow Artspace Totok Sudarto and 228 other mutual friends Jamal Ns Works at PNS DKP KOTA MALANG. Malang Puspita Efendi and 129 other mutual friends Allindo Ahmad Smkn 1 blitar Blitar Munir Apung Apungan and 4 other mutual friends Fitri Sara Uitm s.a Johor Bahru Yaksa Agus and 307 other mutual friends Ali Sodiqin Works at SMP PAWYATAN DAHA 1 KEDIRI Talenta Organizer and 71 other mutual friends Ono Tono Ssrs Yogyakarta Langgeng Magelang and 52 other mutual friends Mari Marry Marrie Agus Utomo and 120 other mutual friends TG Handycraft Pemilik at TG Handycraft Jepara Ivaa Shop and 33 other mutual friends Iza Ramdhanisa Azwar SMAN 1 Tasikmalaya Bandung, Indonesia Nhaynae CaNina and 19 other mutual friends Eno Wijaya Jakarta, Indonesia Talenta Organizer and 188 other mutual friends Lian MeMe Hari Sangidu and 58 other mutual friends Harbani S Wibowo Sebelas Maret University Yogyakarta Riri Ayu Hening and 33 other mutual friends Amir Aconk Gozali Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta Alat Lukis and 91 other mutual friends David Van Art UMM Makassar Pasar Seni Lukis Indonesia and 98 other mutual friends Pasren Klaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia Muchlis Noor and 83 other mutual friends Kadarisman Arie Jakarta, Indonesia Kumbo Adiguno and 60 other mutual friends Dadan Nurdiana New Media Bali Izinkan Aku Bertanya and 32 other mutual friends Nurmina Mardiatmo Jakarta, Indonesia Natural House Homedeco and 3 other mutual friends FineArt Heritage UI - Universitas Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia Aria Maulana Santi and 174 other mutual friends Deden M Cempaka Modern School of Design Yogyakarta Wanda Leopolda IV and 70 other mutual friends Meirlenne Meir Naturelle de Éducation Tri Yuli Prasetyo and 21 other mutual friends Sadewa Arts Dekorasi Tim Kreatif at Trans TV Yogyakarta DewanKebudayaan Kota Yogya Full and 111 other mutual friends Omti Tini Lucia Hartini and 24 other mutual friends Indra Basok Pascasarjana ISI Yogyakarta Djokja, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Woro Indah Lestari and 223 other mutual friends Theresia Tajuni Jakarta, Indonesia Pasar Seni Lukis Indonesia and 12 other mutual friends Arie Ghado SMAN 1 Cijeruk Hepni Pidiyanti and 116 other mutual friends

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